the cause is illegal . headache for law enforcement remains . previous year in 2013, 4178 cases of illegal only in Lahore . 4226 arrested 42 suspects , including Kalashnikovs , 192 rifles , 302 guns , revolvers upstl 3586 , 17 Carbine , 87 daggers and 43455 bullets were illegal during the first three months of this year, 1254 cases were registered . In 1264 the police arrested 10 Kalashnikovs, 58 rifles , 106 guns , revolvers upstl 1162 , 3 Carbine , 14 daggers and bullets were 54823 . Misuse of weapons in Pakistan , its movement , purchase and repair Sure shaking of the 1965 " Arms Ordinance " is the deal . , which has been proposed stiffer penalties for violation . But implementing them less visible . Assassinations and terrorism used in many complex problems caused by modern weapons acquired . The control arms are trayzd ga Company licenses necessary for the development of modern society, peaceful atmosphere and modern technology , two key factors are considered . Punjab Government to overcome this problem is taking a number . These measures across the province with the help of Nadra arms licenses to use modern technology to trayzd kukmpyu . So that a peaceful and violence-free society can be provided to the public . Nadra arms licenses in the province of Punjab government and the Punjab government to computerized with NADRA last week signed a memorandum of understanding . Model tauٴ N series to be held in Lahore , Punjab Chief Minister Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif, the chief guest and Federal Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan . Acting Chairman of this rare opportunity sahdhamdky key government figures than were present on the occasion . Punjab government Secretary Major ( R) Azam Suleman established by the Nadra chairman Shahid Hamid, signed the memorandum . There is also a large number of media representatives who had been informed of understanding . Reconciliation between the government and NADRA Here are some details . Under the agreement, the issuance of arms licenses in the province to change the current system a coordinated and comprehensive computerized Arms License Information Management System will be created . Phased program to replace all the old arms licenses would be issued cards with new computer chip . Licenses computerized project to be completed in 140 days . Minister Punjab Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif while addressing the ceremony said that the Punjab government and NADRA computerized arms license agreement to create information management systems are being implemented . Punjab plans for computerization of arms licenses on behalf of a harmonious society is an important milestone . Prime Minister Mohammad Nawaz Sharif , the Punjab government , Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan aurnadra officials computerized arms licenses with respect to the whole system to cooperate deeply heartfelt gratitude . Nadra arms licenses issued by the Punjab government to replace the current system an integrated and comprehensive computerized Arms License Information Management System will make . Punjab in the form of booklets rotten and outdated existing licenses will be converted into a computer chip card . Together with government authorities are laying the groundwork for a system that aims to replace the current system of arms licenses by an integrated and comprehensive computerized Arms License Information Management System is to form . Whose arms licenses on the current system will remove errors . If we qualify Pakistan for a peaceful and violence- free environment is to provide . Weaponisation of society we must endeavor to destination . Computerized license in Punjab after the chip card arms makers , who sell arms and ammunition to repair the database through an integrated and public associate with like , NADRA for this important project coming available . According to the agreement, all 36 districts of Punjab under a phased program licenses computerized system will be established and the system all across Punjab Species weapons , ammunition and arms dealers will be linked to the database of repair guarantee . Interior Department building in the center of this system will be established . The province's Special Branch and the contact will be with DP Oz . The project initially started five districts of the province have been . Today's era is the era of information technology . Government use of information technology in all walks of life are always ahead . Land record computerization , smart cameras in the campaign against dengue and information technology , religious and national festivals such as Ashura and on IT -based integrated security systems are part of the same series . Licenses have been increasing in the past , and that the licenses were issued weapons that were banned Bork . He said the law and order situation with regard to the issuance of computerized arms licenses crucial Revolution initiative . , Which will help prevent illicit arms . National and provincial government will work as a team .can benefit from . significant reduction in the cost of the project and the project will be completed soon . Ireland record information management system of the project shall be complete by the end of this year . , which spent eleven billion plans are in the biometric identification system through the system is designed citizens . Issuance of computerized arms licenses would be enough awareness campaign . Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said on the occasion that the government computerized arms licenses nadraaur regarding the signing of a memorandum of understanding is a major breakthrough and Chief Minister Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif completed the project within the timeline have regarding outstanding record . The agreement between the government and NADRA not only will help prevent illegal arms and two billion annual government revenue will be collected . Punjab Government made ​​with rare deal indeed somewhat indirectly on terrorism will help overcome . The country's political and economic situation will be better.

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