
Punctuation is the name of the division of sentence which we carryout in order to make the listeners or the reader to convey the correct meaning of every sentence – Punctuation has different marks or symbols.
The marks are :

1.    Full stop  (.)
2.    Comma   (,)
3.    Semi colon (;)
4.    Colon     (: )
5.    Quotation marks (“     ”)
6.    Marks of Exclamation  (!)
7.    Mark of Interrogation  (?)
8.    Apostrophe                  (’)
9.    Hyphen                        (-)
10.    Dash                       ( ________ )  It is equal to 4 hyphens .

Full Stop (.)

It is always used at the end of such positive and negative sentences to convey the full sense to the reader .
For example : She is going to college .
She did not finish her work.


It is also used after abriviations    abbreviations
For example : M.A. ( Master of science ) , B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)
B.Sc,. ( Bachelor of science ) , B. com . (Bachelor of commerce)
F.A. ( Fundamental of Arts / Faculty of Arts )
F.Sc.( Fundamental of Science / Faculty of Science )
I.Com. ( Intermediate in Commerce )
M.B.B.S. ( Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)
L.L.B. ( Bachelor of Law)
P.Hd (Doctor of Philosophy)
M.B.A. ( Master of Business Administration )
B.B.A. (Bachelor of Business Administration )
e.g. ( Examplie gratia) for example
i. e. ( id – est) that is
etc. ( etcetra )

Comma (,)

     It is a small stop than full stop. If the speech maker ( person who are saying something ) is want to take a little break and then convey the whole sentence, at that place that comma is used.
 E.g, If he comes, I shall go with him

     If a sentence consists of more than one noun then comma is used to separate them.
e.g., He has a book , two pencils, three pens, two papers and an eraser.

    If there are more than one adjectives in a sentence are available then comma is used to separate them.
e.g., My friend is gentle , honest , kind , hard work and a man of principle.
(iv) If a sentence having more than one adverbs in it, the comma is used to separate them.
e.g., She did this work faithfully, honestly, devotedly, regularly and voluntarily.

     If a sentence based upon more than one verb in it, the comma is used to separate them.
e.g., I went there , met her , sat there for a while, talk to her , gave her things to her and returned.

      When something is said to some one by addressing or calling his / her name then we used comma after the name of the person which is addressed.
e.g., Natasha, come here .
Nazia, Where are you going?

      Comma is always used after some words in the sentences these are :
Now , No , Yes , at last , how ever, of cource , well , therefore, indeed , last night, last day, Never theless , more over, to sump for example, at length, not with standing, in short, lastly on the whole, in fact, actually, after words, besides , consequently, fortunately , further, hence, namely , naturally , otherwise , perhaps, obviously, personally, respectively, thus, after all , theoretically, as a matter of fact, as a result , as a rule, as you know, at least , by chance , for instance, for the time being, in other words, in short, on the other hand , strictly speaking.

        If a small  sentence in a long sentence used for explain something or some information is given about subject or any thing the comma is used before it and after it for separate it from the sentence.
Quaid- e- Azam, our great leader , born in Karachi.

     It is also used after each pair in a series of words or phrases in pairs : e.g.,
Here & there , Now & then , the rich & the poor, the black& the white , the strong & the weak, young & old , high & low.

   In indirect speech , we use comma to separate reporting speech from the reported speech.
e.g., He said , “I am busy”

    We also use comma to separate the date of the month from the year . e.g.,
February 6, 2009 / 6th February, 2009.

Semi Colon (;)
   If we do not want to use conjunction to joint the two(parts of a sentence) sentences then semi colon can be used.
e.g., Ali is my class fellow and  he lives near my house .
Ali is my class fellow ; he lives near my house .

    We always use semi colon before the following words when they are used to join two sentences these are therefore , however, otherwise, more over, never theless , further more, hence, then , besides, accordingly, in fact consequently , likewise , mean while , as a result , nomely , other wise.
e.g., You should work hard ; otherwise , you will fail .

     When a reality in a sentence is required to be stressed again & again.
e.g., The coconut tree gives us food ; it gives us oil; it gives ropes and other necessities .

Colon (:)

    The colon is used to introduce quotations e.g.,
The Holy Quran  says : “The believers are those who believe  in one God”

    When a thing is required to be counted then the colon is used .,e.g.,
I have four things : a pen , a chair and a lamp.

     It is also used after the following words when they come at the end of a sentence .
The following, following and thus .

     It is also used between hours & minutes when they are expressed in figures . e.g., 5:30 P.M

(“               ”)   Quotation marks:-

The words of a speaker or writer are always enclosed in quotation marks . e.g.,
He said to me , “I shall extend you every sort of help through thick & thin”.

(?)     Mark of Interrogation

It is always used at the end of interrogative sentences e.g., How are you?

Mark of Exclamation   (!)

It is used immediately after the words which express sudden happiness or sorrowing feelings or figures as “ three 9,s , “ four 5’s” or At the end of the sentence in the place of full stop & in that situation the comma is used after them.

Hyphen (-)   :-
     It is used to indicate the components or parts of a compound word e.g., Father – in – law , co-education .

    It is also used b/w each numerical figure from twenty one to Ninety nine , When they are written in words – e.g., Twenty – one , Ninety- five, Sixty- six

     Hyphen is also used to separate vowels which require to be prononsed separately – e.g.,
Co-education , co-operate , pre-occupied.

                                   Dash (                  )

It is used to indicate that following is a summary or conclusion of any action – e.g.,

Apostrophe  (’ )

   It is used to show possession of living being regard to something.
e.g., Natasha’s book , Ali’s pen

    It is also used to omit one or more syllabouls in a word – e.g.,

Do not                          Don’t
Does not                       Doesn’t
Did not                         Didn’t
Can not                        Can’t
Will not                        ’ll not
Shall not                       Shan’t

     It is also used in making plural of numerical
e.g., 9’s , 4’s

Technical Education

Education  can be divided into three parts. Education that teaches us how to live in society is called social education. Education that develops our personality may be termed as Spiritual Education . The education that teaches us how to earn or living is named as professional education .

Vocational Education . Technical education is a branch of vocational Education. It is education that deals with some practical of mechanical art. It includes training in trade, commerce agriculture, medicine and engineering.

Technical education is very important in the modern age . It produces engineers, builders, doctors and mechanics. Through technical education we can increase the material resources of our country promotes the material prosperity and economic advancement. . It imparts quickness, attention, neatness and order in the workers. It create faith in the “Dignity of labour”. If a country has her own technical experts, she can save a lot of foreign, exchange. In short, Technical education makes a country rich prosperous and resourceful.

In Pakistan there is lack of Technical Education  our school and colleges produce clerk. Our young men run after office jobs. They hate to learn practical skill. Poverty in Pakistan is due to the neglect of Technical Education . Our country is rich in raw material . We do not technical knowledge to benefits from them in this respect we must take two steps first more and more technical institution should set up secondly the idea of dignity should be popularized.

      Written by : Prof. heavendrops.

    Multiple Essay  

1.    Introduction
2.    Evil impacts and complications of ……………
3.    It breads, social , economics & moral problem
4.    Causes of …………..
5.    Remedies
6.    Conclusion

………………. is a major problem in most of the backward and developing countries, it indicates our moral , social and religious downfall . It is a matter of great shame that in spite of becoming a nuclear power, we are far behind other nations in a way of character and faith. There are many factors which are responsible to …………….., illiteracy, poverty and false reveals that craze for wealth and power is the base of all kinds of ………………. Peoples have become  greedy and selfish. They do not know the virtues of love , sympathy and sacrifice.

        ……………….. has become one of the most important problems all over the world, especially in the third world countries like Pakistan . It is full of danger of evil impacts ___It___ destabilizes and demoralizes nation and breads depression and frustration in the society and state.

It creates and spreads the feeling of uncertainty, instability and in security among the masses, …………….. It destroys its outer splendor economic property social peace and nation unity. Consequently a national’s good image is spoiled all over the world. Lawlessness order of the day due to poverty, corruption,  indiscipline and illiteracy. It is not effectively , properly and promptly checked the entire judicial and the economic fabric of a nation will be collapsed.

……………. is highly dangerous and divesting for a country like Pakistan that has a week economy and political instability. If the evil of……………. is not nipped in the bud it may spread like a bushfire and engulf and whole nation or region like an epidemic. It destroy, badly peoples faith in institution and supremacy of the constitution. It deprives masses from mental , physical, spiritual moral and economic health.

It also paves way for bloody revolution and military take over.

The main causes of ………….. are mass, illiteracy , poverty, wrong economic policies of government, man’s burning desires to become rich and bigwig overnight ____It__ creates economic pressure social and economic in justice.

     Feudalism, capitalism and uneven distribution of wealth and opportunity non availability of basic necessities and fundamental rights also spread this evil.

   Non availability of education health care and job also paves the way to spread ……….. in a society or state. External factors.

  Like agencies of neighboring states like India also play a vital role in spreading …………… in Pakistan . In order to destabilize , it should be the duty of our officers as well as the scholars, educationist, political parties, N.G.P’s and national mass media to take necessary steps.

Now the question is how can get rid of it ? The task is huge but we must take strive measure to uproot the evil. Only then we can raise our head as a free and dignified nation. 

Topics Essay

1.    Corruption
2.    Smuggling
3.    Un-Employment
4.    Inflation
5.    Dearness
6.    Drug-Trading
7.    Terrorism
8.    Over population
9.    Mass Illiteracy
10.    Drug Addiction
11.    Sectarianism
12.    Social Evils
13.    Economic Crises
14.    Beggary
15.    Bribery
16.    Nepotism
17.    Dowry
18.    Tax Evasion
19.    Violence
20.    Poverty
21.    Growing Debt
22.    Budget deficit
23.    Despair
24.    Black Marketing Harding
25.    Indiscipline
26.    Hypocrisy
27.    Favoritism
28.    Insecurity
29.    Provincialism
30.    Child Labour   
31.    Regionalism
32.    Flattery
33.    Religion Violence
34.    Robberies
35.    yellow journalism
36.    Red Taps
37.    Exploitation
38.    Lawless loss
39.    Violation of Fundamental Rights
40.    Vandalism
41.    Capitalism
42.    Fundamentalism
43.    Feudalism
44.    Heath problem
45.    Insufficient Medical Facilities
46.    Back Biting
47.    Freedom of press
48.    Devaluation of Currency
49.    Economic Sanction  against Pakistan
50.      Ido- pak conflict and its Effect
51.    Tension in south Asia
52.    Independence of judiciary
53.    Social & Economic problem of Pakistan
54.    Social & Economic problem of Pakistan
55.    Social & Eco. Injustice
56.    Injustice and in Equality
57.    Lake of Tolerance
58.    Disunity
59.    Linguistic Violence
60.    Theft
61.    dept. Return Movement
62.    Harms of Smoking   
1.    Introduction
2.    Importance
3.    Merits & Demerits
4.    ..in the whole world
5.    Remedies
6.    Suggestion

Women in society
1.    Introduction
2.    Importance of women  in our society
3.    Status of women
•    As a mother
•    As a sister
•    As daughter
•    As a wife
4.    Status of women after and before Islam
5.    women in Pakistan
6.    Role of women in society

Definition of précis   (5) NO
What are qualities of a good précis   (15) NO

 Definition of précis 
    Précis is a short form of a text which briefly gives only the important ports . It is the précis and short expression material which is described in the original text.

A good précis has following features / characteristics / qualities.
    A good précis is always written in the fewest possible words. The written of a précis    concentrates only on the main idea of the passage.

1.    Completeness
First important feature of a précis is its completeness. It should not lose the main theme of the passage . It is a fact that unnecessary details , idioms and points are ignored but facts and figures should be collected in a good précis.

2.    Compactness
Compactness of a précis mean the unity of form. All sentences should be liked up properly. There must be a vivid sequence among all sentences.

3.    Concise
No précis is a good précis if it is not concise .In fact , this feature demands a good control over language. The writer should use one word for many to keep the brevity of the passage

4.    Correctness:
    A good précis is correct in every respect. There should not be anything in a précis which is not included in original passage.

5.    Clearness:
        A précis is always easy to understand. There fore the writer should use simple words which have very clear and direct meaning.

6.    Coherence :
    There is coherence is a good précis. It means that each part of the précis must be related to the other part. It should not appear like a patch word.

7.    Complete understanding
    A précis gives complete understanding of whole passage. The writer should include all important points in it .

8.    Free of super flours elements:
        A précis is always super flours elements like , interpretations , repetitions etc.

9.    Faith full presentation
        A good précis presents the original idea. The writer dose not include his own ideas in it

10.    Length :
        A good précis is almost one third of the original passage. It should be writer’s own                      words as much as possible Grammar and punctuation mistakes should be avoided inn it

Rules of Précis

To make a good précis, it absolutely necessary to understand the original passage thoroughly. Without this comprehension, you can never turn a ling passage into a précis statement.

1. Carefully Reading :
        The first step, therefore, toward making a prices is to read the original passage very carefully. Of course , reading the passage once is not enough, a second reading will given the reader a clear idea of what is required to be summarized. If you will read the paragraph carelessly, you cannot follow the main idea of the passage.

2. Underline Important Idea :
        The reader should then underline all important  ideas or key sentences in the passage and omit all the rest . Remember! Only important ideas ate to be underlined: all details, examples, explanations and data are to be left out.

3. Drive the Summary from the passage:

        After location and underlining the important ideas, they should be abstracted into brief notes. This means that all important points of the passage should be tuned into notes. These notes will make the first rough draft of the summary.

4. Title Or Heading

If title is asked , write the title carefully. Whether you are asked or not , always choose a suitable  title or heading for the whole passage.
5. Indirect Form:
        A précis should be written only in the indirect form . If you will write in a direct form it will not be correct.
6. No change in Meaning :
        While making précis you should not change the meaning of the passage. If there is a change in the meanings, it will make the précis incorrect.
7. Order Can be Changed:
        It is desirable to stick to the original order of ideas but it is not essential. It is permissible to re-arrange the ideas in a new order the writer wants.
8. Yours own words:
        A précis should be written in your own words. You should also avoid to borrow the key from the original passage.
9. Avoid by Giving Opinion:
        While writing a summary you should avoid to include your own opinion in the summary. Comments are also not allowed. 
10. A Paragraph :
A précis is written in the shape of paragraph.
11. Re- Reading
Now re-read your précis with a view to cutting down its length, if necessary.

1.    Read the passage carefully and highlight the information.
2.    Make out or underline the leading ideas in the given passage in accordance with the sequence of thought. In this way brush aside all irrelevant and unimportant ideas and only the relevant and important ones.
3.    Avoid all introductory remarks, illustrations, examples, anecdotes, stories, side-remarks, similes, metaphors and quotations etc.
4.    Now make out a rough sketch or draft giving the main theme and all the important ideas in the original passage in a coherent , continuous narrative from. Use your own simple language.
5.    While making a précis, conform to the length prescribed by the examiner . If no instructions are given, the précis should be about one-third of the original passage.
6.    Change the direct manner of narration into indirect manner of speech if the original passage nor should you amplify them.
7.    The précis should be generally made in the past Tense unless the original passage expresses some universal truth (in which case the present Tense must be used.)
8.    proper proportion should be observed while summarizing the various paragraphs of the passage. The important ideas should be given more space and the unimportant ones should not be given undue importance.
9.    Now revise your draft keeping in view all the hints and requirements of a good précis
10.    Whether you are asked or not , always choose a suitable  title or heading for the whole passage.
11.    Alternative words are used in a précis .
12.    There is no place of examples and explanation in a précis .
13.     The paragraph of a précis should be ⅓ of the original paragraph .
14.    There should be symmetry in the paragraph of a précis .
15.    First personi,we,my   is not used in précis .
16.    The paragraph of a précis should be in indirect speech .
17.    read your summery carefully to check for grammatical , punctuation or spelling errors.
18.    Check your draft finally against the original, making sure that you have not left out anything of importance .
19.    Write out summary in its final form.
20.    If title is asked , write the title carefully.



Definition & Explanation
Importance of Democracy Merits
of Democracy Demerits of
Democracy Democracy & Pakistan

The mean of democracy is government of the people, government for the people and government   on the people it had been said by Aristotle. The people are the real owner of the government in democracy. They chose their representative by their own will. These representatives make new law for the welfare of the people and reflect the will of people . Another meaning of democracy majority is authority. Democracy is necessary for the progress of any country. Every person can take part in the affair of country in democracy. In this way a country makes progress Islam is a complete code of life. It describes the all affairs of life in details Islam is democratic religion. Consultation has great importance in Islam which is the basic rule of democracy is that every person can propagate his views easily in democracy. There are some disadvantages of democracy.

1.    The people are numbered not measured .
2.    Majority is a authority in democracy that is very harmful for the progress of society
3.    Relations are preferred in  democracy
4.    Bribery corruption, nepotism and other social evils are created
5.    The atmosphere Pakistan for democracy is not suitable. The people want a change here immediately that is impossible. The behaviors of the people cannot change. Great political parties and rulers are under control of so-called super power. They do not favour the people . They obey and keep happy America and other powers. In this way marshal law is applied in the country after five or six years. So we cannot make country and democracy strong. The population of our country is illiterate and ignorant. Seventy percent literacy rate is required for democracy can successful and we can get sublime status.

Read the following passage and Answer the questions below.

Kite- fighting had been popular throughout Asia for hundred of years , The aim is to bring down an opponent’s kite by severing his line with your own. Gum and powdered glass are this, when it rubs against the string of an enemy’s kite, cuts it. Beautiful and elaborate kites have been  developed for this fighting. Marking a food fighting kite is a very skilful art, and may take weeks of patient labour.
     The Technique to fly a kite was described very accurately by Marco polo , the European explorer who went to China more than seven hundred years ago . The men, polo saw flying a kite were not engaged in a game , or a pastime. They were a ship’s crew,  superstitious as all sailors are, and they believed the kite would show them whether or not their voyage would be prosperous, If the kite went straight up it was a good sign, and they would immediately set sail.
    Kites have also been used to carry men up onto the air: this could only be done when a strong and constant wind was blowing. Marco polo also tells how madmen or drunkards were tied to kites and sent up as unwilling victims of a cruel joke.
1.    What is the aim of a kite fighter?
2.    What thing are used to prepare the string for kite fighting?
3.    Who was Marco polo and whom did he see flying kites?
4.    Why did the sailors fly kites?
5.    When did kites carry man in the air?

Read the following passage and Answer the questions below.
Everyone feels at home in Amsterdam. There’s something about it that puts Strangers immediately at ease: rather like the relaxed atmosphere of a house where no one brothers to hide anything away or plump the cushions before visitors arrival,  you can kick off your shoes if you like and no one will notice- or care Amsterdam’s just like that – and always has been welcoming all comers from the Jews to the Huguenots, form the Indonesians to the Hippies of the sixties , letter them live and let- live, do their own thing. Because Amsterdammers themselves like to do their  own thing. There’s evidence wherever you go. In the streets, on the canals, in Dam Square , there ‘II usually be plenty to make you stop and smile: a starving artist at a herring stall , canvas underarm, taking his lunch by the tail and downing it raw: barrel- organs, old men with Rembrandt faces. And did you see a man sitting stripped to the waist in that first – floor window playing a cello? It could happen in Amsterdam and it does.
             By day there are so many tourist attractions after that famous canal ride which is a must for every visitor to Amsterdam. There is , of course , the great Rijks museum with its priceless Collection of Dutch masters, Anne Frank’s house, the flea market, the water flower market , the antique centers, concert halls and theaters.
Every at lighting-up time, no one draws curtains or closes shutters, so a stroll by twilight will tell you a much about the life of the private citizen as he cares to reveal, To capture the essence of the city all you need do is sit inside or outside the Hoppe Bar in the Squi, a coffee and a genever in hand, and watch the world go by. For in Amsterdam, it will!
         Whether a long weekend break or a short visit abroad is planned , Amsterdam will, as experienced travelers know m thrill you. It is correctly called surprising Amsterdam because it is a city full of unexpected excitement. Tulips, clogs and cheese—the typical tourist image of Holland will indeed be found in Amsterdam but you will be more delighted when you discover its 50 canals, trams, herring stalls and row upon row of gabled buildings.

Read the following passage and Answer the questions below.
Surgeons had believed for many years that to tamper with heart mean instant death. In the mid 1960’s a heart-Lung machine was developed which took over the functions of the heart and lungs in pumping and oxygenating blood. This enabled surgeons  to replace diseased valves , by pass  arteries and repair holes. Medical technology had been unable to develop an artificial heart , so the only alternative was to transplant human heart . The first experiments took palace on animals, notably dogs and pigs. The first human transplant took palace on 3rd Dec. 1967 in cape town, South Africa. Dr.Christian Barnard made medical history when he transplanted the heart of a 25-year-old female bank clerk into Louis washkansky, a 56-years - old wholesale grocer. Unfortunately, Washkansky died eighteen days afterwards as a result of tissue rejection and pneumonia. But despite in the 1970s when heart transplants were banned , many such operations now take place.
            The whole question of donor organs presents problems which need to be considered. Is it right, for example, to keep body functions going mechanically until a convenient moment when the body becomes useful as the source of a spare part? Having kept the body ‘alive’ artificially on a machine, do doctors have the right to switch the machine off, thereby ‘killing’ the patient?

Read the following passage and Answer the questions below.
‘First ! Fire!’ What terrible words to heart when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night. It was a large, old , wooden house – the short that burns beautifully – and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of bed, opened the door and stepped out into the 5 passage. It was full of thick smoke.
          I began to run, but as I was still only half – awake , instead of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction. The smoke grew thicker and I could see flames all around. The floor became hot under my bare feet. I found 10 an open door and ran into a room to get to the window. But before I could reach it , one of my feet caught in something soft and I fell down. The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle of clothes, and O picked it up to protect my face 15 from the smoke and heat. Just then the floor gave way under me and O crashed to the floor below with pieces of burning wood all around me.
        I saw a flaming doorway in font, put the bundle over my face and ran. My feet burned me terribly, but I got through. As I reached the cold air outside, my bundle 20 of clothes gave a thin cry . I nearly dropped it in my surprise. Then I saw a crowed gathered in the street. A woman in a night- dress and a borrowed man’s coat screamed as she saw me and came running madly.
       ‘My baby! My baby!’ she cried. The crowed 25 cheered wildly as she took the smoke- blackened bundle out of my arms. I was a hero!

Read the following passage and Answer the questions below.

Our boat floated on, between walls of forest too thick to allow us a view of the land we were passing through , though we knew from the map that our river must from time to time be passing through chains of hills which crossed the jungle plains. Nowhere did we find a place where we could have landed: where the jungle did not actually spread right down into the river, banks of soft mud prevented us going ashore. In any case, what would we have gained by landing? The country was full of snakes and other dangerous creature, and the jungle so thick that one would be able to advance only slowly cutting one’s way with knives the whole way . So we stayed in the boat , hoping that when we reached the seam, a friendly fisher man would pick us up and take us to civilization.

                 We lived on fish, caught with a home-made net of string (we had no books), and any fruit and nuts we could pick up out of the water. As we had no fire, we had to eat everything including the fish, raw. I had never tasted raw fish before, and I must say O did not much enjoy the experience : perhaps sea-fish which do not live in the mud are less tasteless . After eating my raw fish , I lay back and dreamed of such things as fried chicken and rice and ice-cream. In the never – ending damp heat of the jungle , ice – cream was a particularly frequent dream.

               As for water, there was a choice : we could drink the muddy ruddy river water, or die of thirst. We drank the water. Men who have just escaped what had appeared to be certain death lose all worries about such small things as diseases caused by dirty water. In fact, none of us suffered from any illness as a result.

             One day we passed another village , but fortunately nobody saw us. We did not wish to rick being taken prisoners a second time: we might not be so lucky as to escape in a stolen boat again.



Read the following passage and Answer the questions below.

Trees are useful to Man in three very important ways: they provide him with wood and other products ; they give him shade; and they help to prevent draught and floods.

       Unfortunately, in many parts of the world , Man has not eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that with them he has lost the best friends he had.

       Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire fell to pieces, the home country found itself faced by foods and starvation.

       Even where a government realizes the impotence of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade the villager to see this . The villager wants wood to cook his food with; and he can earn money by making charcoal or selling wood to the townsman. He is usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new trees. So unless the government has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests slowly disappear.

       This does not only mean that the villagers’ sons and grand- sons have fewer trees. The result are even more serious; for where there ate trees their roots break the sol up--- allowing the rain to sink in – and also bind the soil, thus preventing its being washed away easily; but where there are no trees. The rain falls on hard ground and flows away on the surface, causing floods and carrying away with it the rich top-soil. In which crops grow so will . When all the top-soil is gone , nothing remains but worthless desert.

Read the following passage and Answer the questions below.

The person who can see a ship without some feeling of excitement must have very little imagination. Even the idea of leaving the solid land on which most of us were born and brought up, and going out on to the ever-moving waters must rouse in us all some feelings of strangeness. We may remember stories of terrible storms, with waves as high as mountains; and of people from ships which have sunk spending weeks in small boats hundreds of miles from land. But we have also heard to the joy of traveling over calm seas under blue skies, and of the unforgettable excitement of coming , one fine morning , to a new and beautiful land which we have seen only in pictures before.

        But ships ate not, of course, made chiefly for pleasure: their biggest use is in carrying goods from country to country. If ships did not exist, the British Government would be quite unable to feed the people in the British Isles. Aero planes are much too expensive, and there not enough of them to feed even a small country like England. Trains cannot cross seas, and even if they could, they amount of goods they can carry cannot be compared with the amount that ships can. In fact, ships can carry more goods than any other hand, they are slower than trains or aero planes.

      This slowness means that travelers who want to get somewhere in a hurry and who have not got too much luggage now usually prefer to fly rather than to go by ship. But even for passengers, ships have the advantage of being cheaper than trains or aero planes, and also much more comfortable, so that if you want a restful , not too expensive voyage, the ship will suit you best.

     Ship have played a very important part in history by making it possible to discover more and more distant parts of our world. Columbus used a ship to discover America about 450 years ago. And even now ships are used for exploring the Antarctic. It would, in fact , not be too much to say that ships have for thousands of years played one of the most important parts in shaping society.

Read the following passage and Answer the questions below.

God made this world for the habitation of man and has given it to him for his dwelling place. It was made for all men. And they all have a right to a share in it. In the world, where there is bread enough to spare, why should any one perish with hunger?  That is the question, which the hungry in every land are asking, and they have a right to ask it. Society is not divinely organized when some men have so much that they know not hoe to use it; and others so little that they know not how to live. Whether the twin evils of luxurious wealth and sordid poverty are due to the rich or to the poor or to neither but to a vicious organization of society, we do not here consider. They are evils which democracy is endeavoring   to cure by promoting a better distribution of wealth. And in doing this, democracy is endeavoring not only to secure to all men their rights, but to enable all men to perform their duties, for it is the duty of every man to put into the world at least as much as he takes out of it, and the duty of society is to make this possible for every man .

Read the following passage and Answer the questions below.
The rapid rise and no less rapid fall of Spain’s empire make it difficult for us to visualize the position she held in Europe. Spain set the cultural and social standards of the time, and the golden age of Spanish art and literature, from 1580 to 1680 coincide with the heyday of this world domination. The court of Madrid patronized painters, archaists, poets and travelers, Palaces and monasteries built partly from the subscriptions of subjects and partly from the wealth of Americans, sprang up over the Castilian countryside exhibiting the Italian ideas of their builders. Noblemen and their ladies had their portraits painted by Velazquez, who had ousted the formalist EI Greco. Spain set the fashion in matters of taste , and whilst the lower middle-classes continued their wonted habits of thought and activity fashionable European society aped the manners of Spanish aristocracy .


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