Alanasarynyn a girl whose parents are two women, one of the three real mrdsaml, the three DNA tests have proven
Alana's mother, according to British media sarynyn thin test tube baby technique ten years trying to be a mother because she was feeling guilty that my husband and son were unable to resolve the Dr. Jacques Cohen in the U.S. state of New Jersey who had contacted a woman's eggs transferred to saytuplasm worn out, after which it was carried frtylayz with her ​​husband's sperm transferred during the process, and that some matuyndrya some of the female fetus DNA gya.syrun also says that his daughter Alana is healthy and the other girls, she could not desire a better child, she is beautiful and she has not read When homework helps me.
Ulan, told the British Broadcasting Corp. that many people say they get from their mother's face, eyes, father, some features "his" and there were some of them, like personality, is the another woman told of the DNA in the body, but because they do not accept them in the body of the mother are some matuyandrya.

Maytuyandrya report any cell is found inside cells whose main function is to provide energy in every part of the body and therefore maytuyandrya Power hau¿s known, maytuyandrya inherited only from the mother on are not the father
Zahrkyajarhahy likely soon to end Britain maytuyandrya genetic disease to new technology can give legal status approved by the British Parliament the UK DNA carrying three people born children the first country to have legitimacy.
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